Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct has been adopted by the RYMA PHARM GmbH Management.
All employees as well as the management and shareholders of RYMA PHARM GmbH are bound by the following rules.
The values, principles and modes of behavior determine our conduct as an enterprise.
Target is the compliance with ethical principles and creation of a work environment encouraging mutual respect and fairness.
RYMA PHARM endeavors to follow the applicable laws and other relevant regulations in all business decisions and actions. Integrity and honesty promote fair competition, also in the relationship with our customers and suppliers.
We are striving to act economically, socially and ecologically correct and to protect fair competition in all markets of our activity by following the applicable laws and restrictions for competition.
We want to avoid unfair advantages towards customers, suppliers or competitors.
We expect our employees to be loyal towards the company. All employees are held to avoid situations in which their personal or financial interests are in conflict with those of RYMA PHARM GmbH. For this reason, it is prohibited especially to participate in competitors, suppliers or customers, or to have business relationships with them in the private environment in so far as this might lead to conflicting interests.
None of our employees is allowed to accept advantages – whichever the form may be – that may be assumed to influence business decisions or transactions of our company.
Invitations must remain within the limits of normal business hospitality. Our employees should not procure themselves direct and/or indirect advantages by accessing confidential information due to their position at RYMA PHARM GmbH.
All our employees are obligated to promote the legitimate interests of our company to an utmost possible extent.
Competitive situations with the company must be avoided.
Actual or possible conflicts of interest must be reported and discussed with the relevant management personnel.
We are against corruption and bribery!
Behavior implying business with unfair means is not tolerated. RYMA PHARM GmbH employees are not allowed to offer business partners advantages or accept advantages from business partners which are susceptible of affecting an objective and fair business decision, even if these might be only suggestive of doing so.
Moreover, all RYMA PHARM GmbH employees are bound to comply with the insider trade ban.
In particular, this rule applies to employees who have access to non-public information on our company or on a company having a business relationship with us.
This insider information includes, for example, management plans, the introduction of new products or manufacturing methods, business transactions, figures concerning turnover and profitability of RYMA PHARM GmbH, important contracts or business relationships, financial information or major legal disputes, etc. If a RYMA PHARM GmbH employee gets knowledge of information which a reasonable investor might consider as significant for an investment decision, this employee is not allowed to communicate the information to other persons, until the information gets known to the public. Using important, non-public information may be a contravention.
All employees of RYMA PHARM GmbH and the management have to make sure that the work environment is safe and sound. Hence safety regulations and practices must be followed strictly.
As a socially responsible employer, RYMA PHARM GmbH considers its employees a very high value. We demand high commitment from our employees and, in return, we share our business success with them. The personnel policy of RYMA PHARM GmbH is a contribution to offering every employee opportunities of professional and personal development. Open exchange of opinions, criticism and ideas are encouraged.
The diversity of our employees is a valuable potential.
RYMA PHARM GmbH employs persons from a variety of origins and experience by conviction. All employees are urged to create an atmosphere of respectful coexistence and to object determinedly to discrimination for reasons of race, ethnic background, sex, religion or conviction, disablement, age or sexual identity.
RYMA PHARM GmbH denounces illegal discrimination or harassment of any kind!
All RYMA PHARM GmbH employees are held to ensure quick and smooth exchange of information inside the company. Information should be forwarded to the relevant departments correctly and completely, unless in exceptional cases and, especially due to obligations of secrecy, priority interest should be taken into account. Relevant knowledge must not be wrongfully withheld, falsified or transmitted selectively.
Dishonest reporting within the company or towards external companies / organizations or persons is strictly prohibited.
All annual financial statements and annual reports, business documents and books of RYMA PHARM GmbH must reflect business incidents and transactions correctly, comply with the legal requirements, meet the principles of financial accounting and follow our internal reporting procedure.
All employees of RYMA PHARM GmbH are responsible for handling the property of the company correctly and with utmost care. Every employee is bound to protect the company property against loss, damage, misuse, theft, misappropriation or destruction. Every employee is bound to report any use of assets contrary to the above immediately.
To a large extent, RYMA PHARM GmbH business information is confidential or proprietary. As a consequence, confidential treatment is a must. This rule does not apply, if we have approved the publication of information, or if it is mandatory due to laws or regulations.
In particular, the duty to keep confidentiality relates to intellectual property. Included are company secrets, patents, trademarks and copyrights, but also business and marketing plans, designs, business documents, payroll data and all other non-published financial data and reports.
At RYMA PHARM GmbH, all personal information on employees, customers, business partners, suppliers and any other third parties is used with care and treated confidentially and in full compliance with privacy laws. Utmost care is required to protect this information.
The rules contained in this code of conduct are central in our RYMA PHARM GmbH corporate culture. Consistent adherence to these principles is indispensable. For this, every single employee is responsible.
If an employee has concerns or complaints on the items mentioned in this code of conduct, or if an employee gets knowledge of an infringement against the behavioral directives in this code of conduct, he or she should report it to superior personnel for clarification immediately. This can be done also anonymously or confidentially. If an employee is not satisfied with the clarification, he or she can also report the concern or complaint to the corporate management. We don’t allow reprisals because of complaints raised in good faith in the context of this code of conduct.
RYMA PHARM GmbH respects the human dignity and stands up for observance and protection of human right.
Every employee is obligated to ensure compliance with these generally applicable fundamental rights.
Child labor as well as exploitation of children and young persons are not tolerated by RYMA PHARM GMBH. The minimum age for employment must not be under the age at which school attendance ends. A lower age limit of 15 years should never be exceeded.
All forms of compulsory labor are disapproved by RYMA PHARM GmbH. No employee must be forced by violence directly or indirectly to work. Only persons who have willingly chosen to work may be employed.
RYMA PHARM is aware of its ecological responsibility. Our employees are encouraged to take avoiding or reducing measures during completion of their tasks, with the aim of fostering sustainable business activity and treating natural resources carefully.
All employees and members of the corporate management are bound follow the rules of this code of conduct. Violations of this Code of Conduct will have consequences and, in severe cases, will lead to termination of the employment.